Cattery Registration Form First Name Last Name Email Phone Street Adress City State Zipcode Species: Dog Cat Bird Other Breed Pet's Date Of Birth Sex: Male Female I'm Not Sure Is your pet sterilized? (neutered for males / spayed for females) Yes No I'm Not Sure Description / Color Is your pet microchipped? Yes No I'm Not Sure Microchip Number Date of Microchipping (mm/dd/yy) Departing From (city / country) Arriving In (city / country) Additional Questions or Comments PLEASE READ: By submitting this form I authorize the American Veterinary Clinic (AVC) to arrange for the transport of my pet(s). I understand that the AVC will provide the best possible care for my pet(s) during transport. I understand the inherent risks associated with transport and agree that the AVC, its employees and representatives will not be held responsible for any loss, injury, or loss of life to my pet(s) during transport. I agree to exempt the AVC, its employees and representatives from any liability or legal proceedings arising from such transport. I also understand that insurance for traveling pets is not available through the AVC. I have read the above statement and agree to the terms outlined. (required) Agree Submit